
Jude Caspersz was born in Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). He grew up in Melbourne where he completed studies in Education, Linguistics and Student Welfare at the former Institute of Catholic Education and La Trobe and Melbourne Universities. After completing a Masters degree in Religious Education at Australian Catholic University, he taught Religious Education there to pre-service and practising teachers for 3 years. His 35+ years’ experience in education has also included positions with the Catholic Identity/R.E. Team at Catholic Education Melbourne and various primary schools in Alice Springs, Darwin and Melbourne.

Jude has held roles of class teacher (primary & secondary), Principal, Deputy and leadership positions in R.E., Student Services, Well-being and school chaplain. He is currently Learning Support Coordinator and accredited lecturer in Religious Education and Academic Writing at Catholic Theological College, University of Divinity. He supervises students of the Graduate Certificate in Guided Meditation in their practical component of the unit, Applied Meditation; leads teacher accreditation seminars on Enhancing Catholic Identity and makes presentations to primary & secondary teacher groups, and parent formation sessions on sacraments, faith and theological issues. He is also supporting teachers and students in implementing Christian Meditation programs. He is married with 3 young-adult children.​