5 minute meditation

Christian reflections for children

The resource is initially targeted to primary-aged children in Catholic schools from Foundation to Year 6. As my long experience with Catholic schools has made this school-system my prime focus, there are admittedly many references to recent trends and developments in this education system. Nevertheless, schools associated with other Christian denominations could also use this resource with ease – as the guided meditations and major part of this resource has a wide Christian focus – with no denomination bias.

The Resource Kit comprises:

  • 24 audio tracks on 2 CDs
    • The audio component is a collection of guided Christian meditations for children. Each track comprises a speech segment accompanied to music. The speech/music segments range from just over a minute to 2½ minutes. The purpose of each speech/music segment is to gently lead students into a silent meditation period of at least 5 minutes.
  • Facilitator’s Manual
    • A4, 110 pages, full colour – comprises explanations of meditation, mindfulness, Christian meditation. A strong rationale for Christian meditation is given from perspectives of well-being, emotional and spiritual benefits -empirical studies cited. From comprehensive research, a history of Christian meditation is provided, as well as steps to introduce a classroom or whole-school Christian meditation program. Cross references are given to the latest Catholic Education R.E. Guidelines, as well as an underpinning to the Enhancing Catholic School Identity Project.
    • see “Topic covered” for full contents list


the meditations

Each track contains my voiceover, introducing the session to soft melodious music. Each track is of 5 minutes duration. This consists of introduction, leading into quiet contemplation and fading into silence.

In each track, a soft tingle (tinshaw cymbal) will sound 15 seconds before the silent segment finishes, and again at 5 minutes marking conclusion of the meditation.  This is indication to the teacher to turn off the CD before the next track / meditation commences.


Most tracks have opportunity to guide students into a hermaneutical space. This comprises a series of questions written specifically for the track and comprises reflection, dialogue and some interpretation of quoted scripture.

Other follow-up options include journal writing, mandalas, scripture analysis, etc.