content covered

The following list is taken from the contents of the Teacher’s manual.


  • forward  by Mr Chis Morris, lecturer & coordinator of Spirituality, Catholic Theological College, University of Divinity
  • author’s personal note  – how this project came about


  1. the what of meditation

1a                   what is this resource?

1b                   what are the objectives of this resource?

1c                    what is meditation?

1d                   what is mindfulness?

1e                   meditation or mindfulness?

1f                    “meditation” and “Christian meditation” – what’s the difference?

1g                   what’s MY role?  (the teacher / facilitator’s role in the Christian meditation session)

1h                   what’s with…

1h.1           – closing eyes?

1h.2           – the music?

1h.3           – a mantra?

1h.4           – what’s so important about posture?

1h.5           – the themes?

1h.6           – the pictures?


  1. the why of Christian meditation

(what’s the rationale?)

2a                   why do ‘general’ meditation with children?

2a.1           physical wellbeing

2a.2           other benefits

2b                   why practise Christian meditation?

2b.1           physical wellbeing

2b.2           emotional wellbeing

2b.3           spiritual wellbeing

2b.4           relevance to religious education

2b.5           appeal to children

2b.6           author’s findings

2b.7           rationale for Christian Meditation from ECSIP  (Enhancing Catholic School Identity Project)

2b.8           the obvious question


  1. the who of Christian meditation

(who is in my class?)

3a                   who is the first targeted audience?

3b                   who is the next ‘assumed’ audience? (those of other faiths)

3c                    how do I cater for who is in my class? (those of other faiths)


  1. the where of Christian meditation

4a                   from where does Christian meditation originate?

4a.1           Old or New Testament?

4a.2           meditation from the Christian tradition

4b                   where should meditation be done?


  1. the when of Christian meditation

(when should meditation be done?)

5a                   tips for when you can obtain a whole school meditation approach

5b                   tips for when you cannot obtain a whole school meditation approach

5b.1           meditation in the single classroom

5b.2           working towards your goal

5c                   when are Foundation students “ready” to commence meditation?

5d                   when should the meditation session finish?


  1. the how of Christian meditation

6a             how do I lead a meditation session?

6a.1           how do I introduce the session?

6a.2           how do I use the resource?

6a.3           how do I conclude the session?

6a.4           how do I help a distracted student?

6b             how do I use scripture with meditation?

6b.1           Lectio Divina

6b.2           hermeneutics

6b.3           recontextualisation

6c              how do I include my aims / themes?

6d              how do I make links to R.E. curriculum?

6e              how do I follow up the meditation session?

6e.1           following up meditation sessions on scripture

6e.2           following up with the mandala

6e.3           other follow-up activities: Journal Writing

6e.4           meditation extension activities

6f               how do I assess / evaluate in Christian meditation?

6f.1            how do I tap in to what my students are experiencing?

6f.2           reflection sheet: “I meditate, I reflect”

6f.3            reflection sheet: “what’s meditation to me? Good things, bad things”

6f.4            student interview on Christian meditation


  1. the scripts

disc one

1)               let’s not use words

2)               breath of God

3)               warming our hearts

4)               for all the treasures

5)               hand it all to Jesus

6)               imagine Him

7)               let them come (Mark 10:14-16)

8)               You are so good (psalm 86)  (lectio divina)

9)               time with Jesus

10)             body as prayer

11)             Father God

12)             song of trust (psalm 131)

disc two

13)             time with your friend

14)             enjoy His gaze

15)             give thanks to the Lord (psalm 107)

16)             God’s child (John 1:12)

17)             the lord is my shepherd (psalm 23)

18)             light of Jesus (John 8:12)

19)             You know me (psalm 139)

20)             I give you rest (Matthew 11)

21)             power of God’s forgiveness (psalm 32)

22)             for saving me (Romans 10:10)

23)             Holy Spirit presence

24)             greatest commandment (Matt 22:36-38)


  1. bibliography

appendices: follow-up activities

Walking with God in nature: Merri Creek serenity

Contemplative Service