staff presentations

topics presented to teacher groups:

  • Mission Impossible!” – Our Mission as Catholic Educators
  • Tell Me the Basics!” – basics of Christianity 
    • A chance for teachers to re-visit the basics of the Christian, Catholic Faith through a thought-provoking look at our beginnings and where we find ourselves today. This involves a sifting through to re-discover what is most important. Clarify your understanding of Jesus’ central message and purpose for coming to live among us; be challenged to look anew at who He is and what He did for us.
  • The Changing Face of Religion in Australia
  • Catholic Schools Today and Beyond
  • Near Death Experiences – what do they say about the afterlife?
  • Knowing and Living Scripture
  • Catholic Social Teaching
    • Take a journey among the earliest scriptural foundations of CST; travel through Church history from early years to the post-modern era as the evolution of Catholic Social Doctrine unfolds with its richness and loyalty to Jesus’ call.   Explore engaging ways to catch student interest and passion for Social Justice and other important principles of CST.
  • Staff Spirituality Day [various approaches]
  • How should I look at Scripture? / How should I share scripture with my students?
  • Challenges facing Catholic Education
  • Lent: What’s it all about?
  • A New Look at Advent & Christmas
  • Who are we? Where did we come from?
    • History and development of Catholic Education in Australia
  • Developing a Spiritual Life
  • Sacraments – it all starts with Jesus
    • Baptism; Confirmation; Holy Communion
  • Christian Meditation:
          • introducing a whole-school program to Staff, Student, Parent Community (The What? Why? and How? of  Christian Meditation for young people, including scientific evidence)
          • re-vitalising a current program (no matter how well-intentioned the stakeholders, any program can often require a re-injection from time to time)